What is Street Art in the context of these Awards?
Outdoor art that is sanctioned (legal) art and publicly visible from or in a street, laneway, park or other public or publicly-accessible space.
Temporary and mobile art, including chalk walks and movable sculptures, can be entered in the Festival and Event or Trail categories. All other entries must be of a permanent nature.
Eligible works include wall and utility murals, permanent audio-visual and lighting installations, commissioned graffiti, pavement art, sculpture collections, single sculptures, street installations, monuments and memorials. There’s a catch though - the entry must be an original artwork specifically created for the site where it is located.
Artworks DO NOT NEED TO BE NEW - the artwork/s could have been created anytime in the past. They can be old, new or anywhere in between. Their age is not important. What's important is how you are using the artwork to attract visitors and bring your community together.
These Awards rest on an excellence framework, and the criteria reflect the excellence awards foundation, with questions about your objectives, promotions and visitors.
The awards do not focus on the quality of the artwork. We’ll leave that to art critics! Judges want to know how you are using public art to enhance visitor appeal and bolster community pride.
Why? Because the Australian Street Art Awards are designed to educate travellers about the magnificent array of outdoor art that can be found in every corner of Australia, and encourage them to see Australia first.
In this pivotal way the Awards are contributing to rural, regional, as well as metropolitan, tourism across Australia.
Who Should Nominate?
Local Government Authorities
Local and regional tourism organisations
Destination marketing organisations
Chambers and business organisations
Progress Associations
Art organisations
Private art businesses or agents
Utilities companies
Event organisers
Street art agents
Joint submissions between one or more of the above and the artist/s are encouraged.
Why Enter the Awards?
The Australian Street Art Awards:
Expand the appeal of Australian towns, regions and destinations that have invested in publicly-accessible art
Promote Instagrammable destinations
Encourage travel beyond the capital cities, especially to winning regional and rural destinations
Enhance community pride in all nominees
Increase recognition of, and therefore employment opportunities for, artists.
Images below: Yeppoon Library mural in central coastal Queensland (left) and
Thallon silos in south-west Queensland (right)